Is My Dog Overweight?

Is My Dog Overweight?

Did you know that nearly half of dogs in North America and Europe are overweight and at least 1 in 4 dogs are obese? Obesity causes many of the sa...

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Are Pit Bulls Easy To Train?

Are Pit Bulls Easy To Train?

Pit bulls are big dogs with even bigger personalities. They show more character than most other breeds their size and often ‘wear their hearts on t...

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Do Pit Bulls Bark a Lot?

Do Pit Bulls Bark a Lot?

Are pit bulls really the noisy, barking machines they are often made out to be?  Despite their reputation in the media, American Pit Bull Terriers,...

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10 Intriguing Pit Bull Facts

10 Intriguing Pit Bull Facts

There’s a lot you probably know or think you know about your adorable pit bull. They are a fascinating and powerful breed, and in this article, we’...

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