What Age to Introduce a Kitten to a Dog?
There’s no reason why you can’t be a dog and cat parent!
Despite the common belief that cats and dogs are sworn enemies, you’d be surprised by how well they can get along in the same house. But we can understand your hesitation in bringing your new kitten home to meet their canine sibling. Adjusting to the new environment may be overwhelming enough for your kitty without introducing other animals to the picture.
So how can you ensure their first meeting goes smoothly? It’s all about your approach and the precautionary measures you’ll take. We’ll walk you through the important details you should know, including when the right time is to introduce your fur babies and tips on how to do it correctly.
Let us turn the first introduction into (hopefully) a lifelong friendship!
When Can You Introduce a New Kitten to a Dog?
There is no standard “right time” to introduce your new cat to your family dog. However, the earlier you do it the better. Adult cats tend to already have set personalities and temperaments that would make it harder to connect with a new pet.

So, the recommended age is when the kitten is between eight and twelve weeks, but below six months old is still okay. Why? Because in the earlier development stages, the kitten is just learning to socialize. So, it will be easier for it to form bonds with the existing pets.
The introduction would also be a lot simpler if the resident dog was also just a puppy. Growing up together would make your fur babies get accustomed to each other much faster. Even so, introducing a kitten to an older family dog would still be easier than if they were both adults.
You should also read How to Welcome a New Dog to Your Home
How Long Does it Take for a Kitten to Accept a Dog?
It will depend on the individual kitten, its age, temperament, and how it relates to the dog. Some kittens are more social and amicable and as a result may adapt and accept a dog right away. Some may be more fearful or shy and therefore take a few weeks or even several months. The key is to be patient and introduce them slowly and gradually. Give them enough time to get comfortable around each other.

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Also, keep in mind that your pets may not necessarily end up being BFFs. Your new cat may simply learn to acknowledge or tolerate the presence of your dog while keeping to themselves. That’s okay too! Don’t try to force the relationship.
How Should You Introduce Your New Cat or Kitten to Your Dog?
The best approach to take when introducing your new cat to your dog largely depends on your unique situation. Consider things like how many dogs you have, how old your kitten and your dog are, what your dog’s behavior towards other animals is like, and so on.
Here are some useful tips on how to ensure a safe and smooth first meeting regardless of these factors:
1. Prepare for the new arrival.
Aside from cat-proofing your home, you also need to prepare your dog for the new cat you’ll be bringing home. You can do this by ensuring your dog has received obedience training and is good at following commands like “down”, “sit”, or “stay”.
Crate training will also come in handy in giving you more control over how your pets meet. Nighttime crate training is especially important in ensuring both your pets, especially your kitten, are safe at night when you’re not around to supervise them.
Read our detailed guide on how to crate train a puppy at night for more details.
2. Keep the pets separate at first.
Before it can meet the dog, your kitten will need time to adjust to its new environment as it bonds with you. This could take a few days to a couple of weeks. When you first bring your kitten home, keep it in its own room. If this is not possible, you can section out a part of the living room or house as a safe zone for your kitty. The space should include basics like a litter box, food, and water.
During the first days, you can also allow the kitten to explore the home freely while your dog is in a crate, locked in their favorite room, or when they’re out for their walks. You can also take turns giving each pet access to the whole house at different times. This is the first step to getting your dog and kitten accustomed to each other’s presence without physically meeting.

3. Swap their scents
While they are still separated, there are various ways you can help your kitten and dog get used to each other’s scent. One way is by feeding them on opposite sides of a closed door. You could also do this using a screen door or baby gate to physically separate. This allows them to see each other as well.
Associating their scents with something positive, like eating, helps them adapt faster. But if either of them is bothered by the other pet’s presence and is unable to eat calmly, you can try other ways. For example, you could switch their blankets or bedding. You can also alternate between petting the dog and the kitten in separate rooms. This will especially help both pets get used to each other’s scents on your hands and lap.
4. Gradually introduce face-to-face meetings
It is very important not to rush things at this stage. Both your kitten and dog should be comfortable at all times. The best way to do this is to hold the kitten in the same room as the dog while it is in its crate. If both of them show calm behavior, you can release the kitty to explore the room while the dog is still in the crate.
Once the kitten feels comfortable being in the same room as the dog, you can slowly graduate to having the dog out of the crate but on a leash. At this stage, ensure your dog is in a restful state, either sitting or lying next to you. This will encourage the kitten to come closer and sniff out the dog.

Eventually, if things go well, your cat and dog should be able to comfortably stay in the same room. But if at any point you notice any aggressive or anxious behavior, separate the two pets and try slowing down by going back a step or more until they are both comfortable.
5. Use positive reinforcement
You should immediately reward every calm or desired behavior from your dog or kitten to help reinforce it. You also want them to feel reassured that they’re doing the right thing, and associate the experience as something positive. Additionally, it’s important to show equal love and affection to both of them, especially so the dog doesn’t see the kitten as a threat, stealing all of your attention.
What Should You Not Do When Introducing a Cat to a Dog?
The following are common mistakes when introducing a new cat to a dog, which you should avoid:

Do not ignore your pets’ personalities.
Some dogs simply just don’t like cats and vice versa. If your dog, for example, has never gotten along with cats before, it may be a sign not to get a kitten.
Do not force interactions or rush introductions.
Give each pet time to adjust to the other, and let them naturally spend more and more time together at their own pace.
Never leave them unsupervised in the initial stages.
Dogs tend to play rough and could end up seriously injuring the small kitten in what they consider harmless play. So, watch them like a hawk.
Do not introduce them in unfamiliar environments.
Your pets meeting somewhere they both feel safe and secure could help reduce the anxiety of the first introduction.
Are There Certain Cat and Dog Breeds That Get Along?

Yes, some breeds like a Golden Retriever or a Maine Coon may get along better because they share an easy-going, friendly, and tolerant nature. But this doesn’t always have to be the case. The true determinant of how well a cat and a dog get along is their individual personalities.
For instance, when it comes to whether pit bulls and cats can co-exist in harmony, many would say that pit bulls are often aggressive towards cats. But you may find that your pit bull in particular is friendly or tolerant to cats. Ultimately, most cats and dogs can live together calmly if properly socialized.
Give it Time!
Your kitten and dog may not become best buds right away. You can expect to hear a couple of hisses, barks, and yelps. The key is to be patient and take gradual but consistent steps to bring your dog and cat closer. Plus, if the first introduction flops, just try again, but this time slow down further. You can also seek professional help to properly resolve any conflicts and ensure the introduction goes smoothly. Eventually, your two pets will settle into a consistent relationship and hopefully form a closer bond.
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