When Do Pit Bulls Stop Teething? A Comprehensive Guide

Like all dogs, Pit Bulls go through various stages of dental development in their early life. Teething is a critical period in a dog's life as it transitions from puppy teeth (deciduous teeth) to adult or permanent teeth.

Understanding the teething process can help pit bull owners provide the best care and relief to their pups. In this article, we'll delve deep into the topic of when pit bulls stop teething and offer insights on how to manage this stage efficiently.

Understanding the Teething Timeline:

Man holding a Pit Bull puppy

Birth to 3 Weeks:

Pit bull puppies are born toothless. They rely entirely on their mother's milk for nutrition during this period.

3 to 4 Weeks:

Around this time, the first set of puppy teeth begins to emerge. These are tiny, sharp, and translucent. The incisors (the small teeth at the front) are usually the first to come in.

4 to 6 Weeks:

Most puppy teeth, including canines and premolars, have come through by this age.

8 to 12 Weeks:

By 12 weeks of age, a pit bull puppy should have all 28 of its puppy teeth. It's around this age that many puppies are weaned off their mother's milk and introduced to solid food.

4 to 6 Months:

This period marks the beginning of the transition to adult teeth. The baby teeth start falling out to make way for the permanent ones. This is also the stage where teething can be the most intense, causing discomfort and a strong urge to chew.

6 to 8 Months:

By the time they reach eight months, most pit bulls will have shed all their puppy teeth. The adult teeth, which amount to 42 in total, should have fully come in by this age.

Signs of Teething in Pit Bulls:

Pit Bull puppy with blue eyes

Recognizing the signs of teething can help owners address their pit bull's needs and discomfort.

Chewing: A teething pit bull will chew on almost anything they can get their mouth on. This is a natural instinct to help relieve the discomfort they feel from the emerging teeth. From furniture corners to shoes and toys, nothing is safe unless you provide proper alternatives.

Drooling: The process of teething can cause excessive salivation. This means you might find wet spots around the house or notice that your pup's chin and neck are frequently wet. Keep a soft cloth handy to wipe away excess drool and ensure their resting spots stay dry.

Swollen, red gums: The gums might appear more swollen or redder than usual due to the pressure of emerging teeth. It's essential to be gentle when playing tug or when giving chew toys during this period to prevent added discomfort.

Missing teeth: Puppyhood is characterized by that adorable, gappy smile. As the baby teeth fall out to make room for the adult ones, you might notice gaps. Occasionally, you might even find a tiny tooth around their resting spots!

Mood changes: Teething can be an uncomfortable experience. This discomfort can translate into changes in behavior. Some pups may become more irritable, anxious, or even slightly lethargic during this period. They might seek out more attention or prefer to be left alone.

Loss of appetite: With the discomfort in their mouths, some pit bulls might show a decreased interest in food. Softening their kibble with water or offering wet food can be a temporary solution until they're more comfortable.

Rubbing face on objects: To counteract the discomfort, a teething puppy might rub its face against furniture, the ground, or even on you. This action can help provide relief to sore gums.

Bad breath: Due to the changing oral environment and possible inflammation, a teething puppy might have slightly bad breath.

Understanding these signs is essential for addressing their immediate needs and differentiating between normal teething behavior and potential health concerns. Always keep in touch with your veterinarian if you're unsure about any symptoms or behaviors.

How to Provide Relief:

Newborn Pit Bull puppies sleeping

Teething is a rite of passage for puppies, and while it's a natural process, it can be uncomfortable. As owners, there are several ways to help mitigate this discomfort and provide relief.

Chewing Toys: The urge to chew becomes incredibly strong during the teething phase. Investing in high-quality, durable chew toys can be a lifesaver. These toys not only distract them from the discomfort but also save your furniture and personal items from being chewed. Look for toys that are designed specifically for teething puppies, as these often have textures that massage the gums.

Cold Treats: Just as cold items can help soothe a teething baby, they can also bring relief to teething puppies. Frozen carrots, frozen banana slices, or special puppy teething toys that can be chilled provide a cooling effect on inflamed gums. Remember to monitor your puppy while they're enjoying these treats and ensure they are an appropriate size to minimize the risk of choking.

Gentle Massages: If your puppy allows it, you can gently massage their gums using a clean finger. This manual stimulation can help reduce swelling and offer some temporary relief. Always ensure your hands are clean and approach your puppy gently, giving them breaks if they seem to be getting stressed.

Teething Gels: Various teething gels are formulated for puppies. These gels can numb the gums slightly, providing temporary relief. However, always consult with your veterinarian before applying any product to ensure it's safe and suitable for your specific pet.

Soft Foods: If your puppy seems reluctant to eat their regular kibble due to gum pain, consider offering them softer food options. Wet puppy food, or even their regular kibble soaked in warm water to soften it, can be easier for them to eat during this time.

Routine: Keeping a consistent routine can help create a sense of normalcy for your teething puppy. Regular playtimes, walks, and rest periods can provide the right balance of distraction, exercise, and relaxation.

Regular Vet Check-ups: It's beneficial to have regular veterinary check-ups during the teething phase. A vet can provide insights into your puppy's dental development and ensure there are no complications like retained baby teeth.

What to Avoid:

Pit Bull puppy with blue eyes

Teething is a sensitive phase in your pit bull's life, and while there are many things you can do to help, there are also practices and items you should steer clear of. Here's an expanded list of what to avoid during your puppy's teething stage:

Avoid hard bones or toys: While it might seem logical to give a teething puppy something hard to chew on, items that are too hard can damage emerging adult teeth or even break them. This includes animal bones, antlers, and some tough nylon toys. Always opt for toys designed for teething puppies.

Avoid scolding for chewing: Puppies don't chew out of malice. The intense urge to chew during the teething phase is driven by discomfort. Rather than scolding your puppy, it's crucial to redirect them to appropriate outlets for their chewing urges, like designated chew toys.

Check for broken or retained teeth: Not all puppy teeth will fall out as they should. If a baby tooth remains while an adult tooth is emerging, it's referred to as a retained tooth. This can lead to dental issues, like misalignment or increased plaque buildup. Regular veterinary visits can spot these problems early.

Avoid aggressive tug-of-war games: While playing tug is a fun activity and can be beneficial for a puppy's development, aggressive yanking can harm emerging teeth. Keep the game gentle, and always let the puppy initiate and lead the play.

Steer clear of sticky treats or toys: Some treats or toys can be overly sticky and might adhere to the puppy's teeth, leading to potential dental issues or increased risk of choking.

Avoid overly spicy or flavored chew toys: While some flavored toys can be enticing for puppies, be cautious with overly strong flavors that might upset your puppy's stomach or be too intense for their taste buds.

Do not use human teething remedies: It might be tempting to use products or home remedies designed for human babies, but dogs have different needs and tolerances. Always consult with your vet before applying any remedies.

Avoid tight-fitting collars: As puppies grow, and especially when they're drooling more due to teething, it's essential to check the fit of their collar regularly. A wet collar can become tighter and cause discomfort or even injury.

In essence, the teething phase requires extra attention to your pit bull's environment and habits. By being aware of potential hazards and understanding their unique needs during this period, you can ensure a smoother and more comfortable transition from puppyhood to adulthood.

Pit Bulls with harnessSparkpaws Catalog

Harnesses serve as an excellent alternative to collars, especially for puppies and dogs prone to pulling or those with neck or respiratory issues. They distribute the pressure evenly across the chest and back, reducing strain on the neck and allowing for better control during walks. If you're considering switching to a harness, take a look at the SparkPaws range, known for its high-quality, stylish, and functional designs tailored to fit dogs of all sizes and breeds.

General Guidelines For Healthy Canines

Regular dental care can prevent the onset of dental diseases, which, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications, including infections that can spread to vital organs.

Begin by introducing a daily brushing routine using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Never use human toothpaste, as it contains ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. Offer dental chews and toys designed to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

Ensure your dog has a balanced diet, as some foods are formulated to support dental health. Finally, schedule regular dental check-ups with your veterinarian, who can professionally clean your dog's teeth and spot early signs of dental issues.

Embracing these practices will not only ensure a healthy mouth but also contribute to your dog's longevity and quality of life.


Teething is a natural, albeit sometimes challenging, phase in a pit bull's life. By understanding the timeline and offering appropriate relief, owners can ensure their pit bull puppies transition smoothly to their adult teeth.

Always remember that each dog is an individual, and while these timelines offer a general guide, there can be variations. Regular veterinary check-ups will ensure that your pit bull's dental health is on track.