Scarpe per cani Hot Pavement Pawtector

$36.00 USD $40.00 USD In vendita
Ecco la soluzione perfetta per proteggere le zampe del vostro cane da marciapiedi roventi, terreni accidentati e spine taglienti! L'ampia apertura e le cinghie in velcro regolabili assicurano una vestibilità sicura e confortevole, in modo che il vostro cucciolo possa correre, saltare e giocare con facilità.
  • Proteggono le zampe dal caldo del marciapiede, dalle asperità del terreno e dalle spine acuminate.

  • Lo strato superiore della scarpa è realizzato in rete per tenere lontani sporco e detriti e garantire la ventilazione.

  • Design ad ampia apertura facile da indossare per cani con zampe larghe

  • Doppie cinghie intorno alla caviglia per evitare che la scarpa cada

  • Ogni set viene fornito con 4 scarpe singole

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QWhy do dogs need shoes?
ADog paws are like our hands and feet; they're made up of many tiny bones, tendons, muscles, and ligaments, layers of fat for warmth and cushioning. When our hands and feet are exposed to burning hot surfaces and rough terrains they are likely to get injured and damaged. 

Q: When should I use dog shoes?
Put your bare hand or feet on the sidewalk surface, if it is uncomfortable for you then it is time to put the dog shoes on. You can also use these shoes when you are going on hiking trails.

QHow do I measure my dog's paws?
Please use our how to measure guide or watch the video on our product page which explains this in detail. You basically need to measure the width of the paw and follow our size guide.

QAre your dog shoes suitable for all breeds and sizes?
Our smallest dog shoe is suitable for dogs from 15lbs / 6.8kg and up, the largest dog shoe will fit dogs up to 150lbs / 68kg depending on paw size. Generally speaking, our shoes are designed for larger dogs with stronger stepping force. If your dog is under 10lbs / 4.5kb then these shoes are not suitable.

QDo your dog boots stay on during active play?
We designed this shoes with two velcro straps that secure the paws at an angle. With two layers of stabilization, this is one of the most secure dog shoes on the market and it should stay on as long as the sizing is correct.

QHow do I train my dog to wear boots?
Your dog may not enjoy wearing shoes when you first put it on and may walk funny. Give your dog treats and positive reinforcement, throw toys around for them to run and fetch, within a few minutes your dog will forget that they are wearing shoes.

Are your dog shoes waterproof or water-resistant?
A: These dog shoes are not water-resistant as the mesh top layer is designed for ventilation

Q: How do I clean and maintain the dog boots?
The surface can be spot cleaned. You can also soak the boots in luke warm water with regular soap and detergent then rinse with clean water. Gently wring out excess water before hanging to dry. Do not use a dryer or direct heat source, as this can damage the boots.


Dog Shoes Size Guide

Inches Larghezza della zampa Paw Length Recommended Weight
A 1.6" 1.9" 13-23lbs
B 2.0" 2.4" 23-33lbs
C 2.4" 2.8" 40-60lbs
D 2.6" 3.0" 52-70lbs
E 3.0" 3.5" 75-95lbs
CM Larghezza della zampa Paw Length Recommended Weight
A 4.0cm 4.8cm 6-10kg
B 5.0cm 6.0cm 10-15kg
C 6.0cm 7.0cm 18-27kg
D 6.5cm 8.0cm 24-32kg
E 7.5cm 9.0cm 34-43kg