フレックスシェルウォーターレジスタントドッグブーツ - ピンク

$35.00 USD $45.00 USD セール


ブレスシールド™ 犬用レインコート - シーピンク


Inches 胸部 背面
S 15" 10"
M 18" 12"
L 21" 14"
XL 24" 16"
2XL 26" 19"
3XL 30" 21"
4XL 33" 23"
CM 胸部 背面
S 38cm 26cm
M 46cm 30cm
L 54cm 36cm
XL 61cm 41cm
2XL 66cm 48cm
3XL 76cm 53cm
4XL 84cm 56cm


Showing sizes for :
サイズ   Lbs
3XL Smaller American Bulldog 60-80
4XL Average American Bulldog 80-115
2XL Smaller American Staffordshire Terrier 40-55
3XL Larger American Staffordshire Terrier 55-70
2XL Smaller Australian Cattle Dogs 30-45
3XL Larger Australian Cattle Dogs 45-60
2XL Smaller Australian Shepherds 30-45
3XL Average Australian Shepherds 45-60
4XL Larger Australian Shepherds 60-80
L Smaller Basenji 15-25
XL Larger Basenji 25-40
2XL Smaller Basset Hounds 30-45
3XL Average Basset Hounds 45-60
4XL Larger Basset Hounds 60-80
L Smaller Beagle 15-25
XL Average Beagle 25-35
2XL Larger Beagle 35-45
3XL Smaller Belgian Malinois 45-60
4XL Average Belgian Malinois 60-80
M Smaller Bichon Frise 10-15
L Larger Bichon Frise 15-25
4XL Smaller Bloodhounds 60-80
XL Smaller Border Collies 20-30
2XL Average Border Collies 30-45
3XL Larger Border Collies 45-60
M Smaller Boston Terrier 10-15
L Average Boston Terrier 15-25
XL Larger Boston Terrier 25-35
3XL Smaller Boxer 60-80
4XL Average Boxer 80-115
XL Smaller Brittanys 20-30
2XL Average Brittanys 30-45
3XL Larger Brittanys 45-60
XL Smaller Bull Terriers 30-45
2XL Average Bull Terriers 45-60
3XL Larger Bull Terriers 60-80
3XL Smaller Cane Corso 60-80
4XL Average Cane Corso 80-115
M Smaller Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10-15
L Larger Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 15-25
S Smaller Chihuahua 5-10
M Larger Chihuahua 10-15
L Smaller Cocker Spaniel 15-25
XL Larger Cocker Spaniel 25-35
XL Smaller Corgi 20-30
2XL Larger Corgi 30-40
M Smaller Dachshund 10-15
L Larger Dachshund 15-25
2XL Smaller Dalmatians 30-45
3XL Average Dalmatians 45-60
4XL Larger Dalmatians 60-80
3XL Smaller Doberman Pinscher 60-80
4XL Average Doberman Pinscher 80-115
2XL Smaller English Bulldog 40-50
3XL Larger English Bulldog 50-65
2XL Smaller English Springer Spaniels 30-45
3XL Larger English Springer Spaniels 45-60
M Smaller French Bulldog 10-15
L Average French Bulldog 15-25
XL Larger French Bulldog 25-35
3XL Smaller German Shepherd 45-60
4XL Average German Shepherd 60-80
2XL Smaller German Shorthaired Pointers 30-45
3XL Average German Shorthaired Pointers 45-60
4XL Larger German Shorthaired Pointers 60-80
3XL Smaller Golden Retriever 45-60
4XL Average Golden Retriever 60-80
2XL Smaller Golden Doodle 35-45
3XL Larger Golden Doodle 45-65
4XL Smaller Great Danes 80-115
S Smaller Havanese 5-10
M Larger Havanese 10-15
M Smaller Jack Russel Terrier 10-15
L Larger Jack Russel Terrier 15-25
3XL Smaller Labrador Retriever 60-80
4XL Average Labrador Retriever 80-115
2XL Smaller Labradoodle 35-45
3XL Larger Labradoodle 45-65
M Smaller Maltese 10-15
L Larger Maltese 15-25
M Smaller Mini Poodle 10-15
L Larger Mini Poodle 15-25
XL Smaller Miniature American Shepherds 15-25
2XL Larger Miniature American Shepherds 25-40
S Smaller Miniature Pinscher 5-10
M Larger Miniature Pinscher 10-15
M Smaller Miniature Schnauzer 10-15
L Average Miniature Schnauzer 15-25
3XL Smaller Pitbull 60-80
4XL Average Pitbull 80-115
M Smaller Pomeranian 10-15
L Larger Pomeranian 15-25
M Smaller Pug 10-15
L Average Pug 15-25
XL Larger Pug 25-35
3XL Smaller Rhodesian Ridgebacks 45-60
4XL Average Rhodesian Ridgebacks 60-80
3XL Smaller Rottweiler 60-80
4XL Average Rottweiler 80-115
2XL Smaller Shar Pei 45-60
3XL Larger Shar Pei 60-80
L Smaller Shiba Inu 15-25
XL Larger Shiba Inu 25-35
M Smaller Shih Tzu 10-15
L Larger Shih Tzu 15-25
2XL Smaller Siberian Huskies 30-45
3XL Average Siberian Huskies 45-60
4XL Larger Siberian Huskies 60-80
XL Smaller Staffordshire Bull Terrier 30-45
2XL Average Staffordshire Bull Terrier 45-60
3XL Larger Staffordshire Bull Terrier 60-80
2XL Smaller Standard Poodle 45-60
3XL Larger Standard Poodle 60-80
2XL Smaller Vizslas 30-45
3XL Average Vizslas 45-60
4XL Larger Vizslas 60-80
2XL Smaller Weimaraners 40-55
3XL Average Weimaraners 55-80
4XL Larger Weimaraners 80-100
M Smaller West Highland White Terriers 10-15
L Larger West Highland White Terriers 15-25
S Smaller Yorkshire Terrier 5-10
M Larger Yorkshire Terrier 10-15
サイズ   Kg
3XL Smaller American Bulldog 27-36
4XL Average American Bulldog 36-52
2XL Smaller American Staffordshire Terrier 18-25
3XL Larger American Staffordshire Terrier 25-32
2XL Smaller Australian Cattle Dogs 14-20
3XL Larger Australian Cattle Dogs 20-27
2XL Smaller Australian Shepherds 14-20
3XL Average Australian Shepherds 20-27
4XL Larger Australian Shepherds 27-36
L Smaller Basenji 7-11
XL Larger Basenji 11-18
2XL Smaller Basset Hounds 14-20
3XL Average Basset Hounds 20-27
4XL Larger Basset Hounds 27-36
L Smaller Beagle 7-11
XL Average Beagle 11-16
2XL Larger Beagle 16-20
3XL Smaller Belgian Malinois 20-27
4XL Average Belgian Malinois 27-36
M Smaller Bichon Frise 5-7
L Larger Bichon Frise 7-11
4XL Smaller Bloodhounds 27-36
XL Smaller Border Collies 9-14
2XL Average Border Collies 14-20
3XL Larger Border Collies 20-27
M Smaller Boston Terrier 5-7
L Average Boston Terrier 7-11
XL Larger Boston Terrier 11-16
3XL Smaller Boxer 27-36
4XL Average Boxer 36-52
XL Smaller Brittanys 9-14
2XL Average Brittanys 14-20
3XL Larger Brittanys 20-27
XL Smaller Bull Terriers 14-20
2XL Average Bull Terriers 20-27
3XL Larger Bull Terriers 27-36
3XL Smaller Cane Corso 27-36
4XL Average Cane Corso 36-52
M Smaller Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 5-7
L Larger Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 7-11
S Smaller Chihuahua 2-5
M Larger Chihuahua 5-7
L Smaller Cocker Spaniel 7-11
XL Larger Cocker Spaniel 11-16
XL Smaller Corgi 9-14
2XL Larger Corgi 14-18
M Smaller Dachshund 5-7
L Larger Dachshund 7-11
2XL Smaller Dalmatians 14-20
3XL Average Dalmatians 20-27
4XL Larger Dalmatians 27-36
3XL Smaller Doberman Pinscher 27-36
4XL Average Doberman Pinscher 36-52
2XL Smaller English Bulldog 18-23
3XL Larger English Bulldog 23-30
2XL Smaller English Springer Spaniels 14-20
3XL Larger English Springer Spaniels 20-27
M Smaller French Bulldog 5-7
L Average French Bulldog 7-11
XL Larger French Bulldog 11-16
3XL Smaller German Shepherd 20-27
4XL Average German Shepherd 27-36
2XL Smaller German Shorthaired Pointers 14-20
3XL Average German Shorthaired Pointers 20-27
4XL Larger German Shorthaired Pointers 27-36
3XL Smaller Golden Retriever 20-27
4XL Average Golden Retriever 27-36
2XL Smaller Golden Doodle 16-20
3XL Larger Golden Doodle 20-30
4XL Smaller Great Danes 36-52
S Smaller Havanese 2-5
M Larger Havanese 5-7
M Smaller Jack Russel Terrier 5-7
L Larger Jack Russel Terrier 7-11
3XL Smaller Labrador Retriever 27-36
4XL Average Labrador Retriever 36-52
2XL Smaller Labradoodle 16-20
3XL Larger Labradoodle 20-30
M Smaller Maltese 5-7
L Larger Maltese 7-11
M Smaller Mini Poodle 5-7
L Larger Mini Poodle 7-11
XL Smaller Miniature American Shepherds 7-11
2XL Larger Miniature American Shepherds 11-18
S Smaller Miniature Pinscher 2-5
M Larger Miniature Pinscher 5-7
M Smaller Miniature Schnauzer 5-7
L Average Miniature Schnauzer 7-11
3XL Smaller Pitbull 27-36
4XL Average Pitbull 36-52
M Smaller Pomeranian 5-7
L Larger Pomeranian 7-11
M Smaller Pug 5-7
L Average Pug 7-11
XL Larger Pug 11-16
3XL Smaller Rhodesian Ridgebacks 20-27
4XL Average Rhodesian Ridgebacks 27-36
3XL Smaller Rottweiler 27-36
4XL Average Rottweiler 36-52
2XL Smaller Shar Pei 20-27
3XL Larger Shar Pei 27-36
L Smaller Shiba Inu 7-11
XL Larger Shiba Inu 11-16
M Smaller Shih Tzu 5-7
L Larger Shih Tzu 7-11
2XL Smaller Siberian Huskies 14-20
3XL Average Siberian Huskies 20-27
4XL Larger Siberian Huskies 27-36
XL Smaller Staffordshire Bull Terrier 14-20
2XL Average Staffordshire Bull Terrier 20-27
3XL Larger Staffordshire Bull Terrier 27-36
2XL Smaller Standard Poodle 20-27
3XL Larger Standard Poodle 27-36
2XL Smaller Vizslas 14-20
3XL Average Vizslas 20-27
4XL Larger Vizslas 27-36
2XL Smaller Weimaraners 18-25
3XL Average Weimaraners 25-36
4XL Larger Weimaraners 36-45
M Smaller West Highland White Terriers 5-7
L Larger West Highland White Terriers 7-11
S Smaller Yorkshire Terrier 2-5
M Larger Yorkshire Terrier 5-7


簡単に履ける犬用ブーツで、雪、塩、泥、鋭い地形からあなたの犬の足を保護します。 各セットには4つのブーツが付属しています。
  • 耐水性の外装、柔らかなマイクロフリース裏地
  • 散歩中に靴を確保するためのダブルベルクロストラップとトグル
  • 雪、塩、鋭い地形、泥、有害な化学物質から保護
  • グリップと保護のための丈夫なゴムPVCソール
  • 広い開口部、着脱が簡単
  • 夜間の安全性を確保するための反射ストラップ

私達は 3 平日以内にあなたの順序を処理し、電子メールおよび SMS によってパッケージのためのステップ・バイ・ステップ追跡を提供します。

所在地 営業日
日本 5~10

Finding the right size for your dog can be tricky and thats why we offer free exchange on your 1st purchase for all dog apparel items (including shoes)!

We will gladly help you exchange our products within 30 days of receiving the items as long as the items are in brand new condition, in original tags and packaging, and free of odor and dog hair. 

To initiate a return, just shoot us an email
service@sparkpaws.com with your order # and our customer service team will help you out. We will respond to your request within 24 hours Mon-Fri.

QWhy do dogs need boots?
ADog paws are like our hands and feet; they're made up of many tiny bones, tendons, muscles, and ligaments, layers of fat for warmth and cushioning. When our hands and feet are exposed to snow, salt, freezing temperatures and rough terrains they are likely to get chapped and damaged. 

Q: When should I use dog boots?
You can use boots to keep the paws clean during rainy days. You can consider using boots when the temperature drops and there is snow on the ground, especially if there is salt and other corrosive chemicals on the ground.

QHow do I measure my dog's paws?
Please use our how to measure guide or watch the video on our product page which explains this in detail. You basically need to measure the width of the paw and follow our size guide.

QAre your dog boots suitable for all breeds and sizes?
Our smallest dog boot is suitable for dogs from 15lbs / 6.8kg and up, the largest dog boot will fit dogs up to 150lbs / 68kg depending on paw size. Generally speaking, our boots are designed for larger dogs with stronger stepping force. If your dog is under 10lbs / 4.5kb then these boots are not suitable.

QDo your dog boots stay on during active play?
We designed this boot with two velcro straps and a toggle around the opening. With 3 layers of stabilization, this is one of the most secure dog boots on the market and it should stay on as long as the sizing is correct.

QHow do I train my dog to wear boots?
Your dog may not enjoy wearing boots when you first put it on and may walk funny. Give your dog treats and positive reinforcement, throw toys around for them to run and fetch, within a few minutes your dog will forget that they are wearing boots.

Are your dog boots waterproof or water-resistant?
These dog boots are water-resistant, snow and water will not seep through the surface unless the boot is put under water for extended periods of time. The boots will stay dry in regular snow and rain wear.

Q: How do I clean and maintain the dog boots?
The surface can be spot cleaned. You can also soak the boots in luke warm water with regular soap and detergent then rinse with clean water. Gently wring out excess water before hanging to dry. Do not use a dryer or direct heat source, as this can damage the boots.


Dog Shoes Size Guide

Inches 足の幅 Paw Length Recommended Weight
A 1.6" 1.9" 13-23lbs
B 2.0" 2.4" 23-33lbs
C 2.4" 2.8" 40-60lbs
D 2.6" 3.0" 52-70lbs
E 3.0" 3.5" 75-95lbs
CM 足の幅 Paw Length Recommended Weight
A 4.0cm 4.8cm 6-10kg
B 5.0cm 6.0cm 10-15kg
C 6.0cm 7.0cm 18-27kg
D 6.5cm 8.0cm 24-32kg
E 7.5cm 9.0cm 34-43kg
